If you are having an urgent medical problem, please do not email us as emails are not checked after hours, and there may be a delay getting back to you. Instead, for active/urgent medical problems, please call our office directly at 214-303-1033.
Office Location & Hours
2801 Lemmon Ave, Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75246
Phone: 214-303-1033
Fax: 214-303-1032
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
The office is closed daily from Noon to 1:00 pm for lunch, and we are closed on most major holidays.
If you are having an urgent medical problem and need to speak to a provider, please call the main number above and leave a message with the answering service.
Our primary care physicians and HIV Specialists™ in Dallas, Texas, specialize in delivering comprehensive healthcare services to the LGBTQIA+ community, offering HIV medical care, STI testing, PrEP services, and general medical care. Our dedicated team is committed to providing inclusive and supportive healthcare for all our patients.